It was mealtime during our trip on a small airline in the Northwest.

“Would you like dinner?” the flight attendant asked the man seated in front of me.

“What are my choices?” he asked.

“Yes or no,” she replied.

Life is about choices, and some choices are more important than others.  Choosing to base your life and future on the truths of scripture is one of those important choices.

Jesus gave us a story that emphasizes how important the Word of God is to an individual. In this story He has said in a sense,” If you understand what I am telling you, then you will understand how I bring blessing and fruitfulness to a life.”  We all need to understand this parable so that we can work with God and not against Him.

The story, recorded in the gospels Matthew 13, Mark 4, and Luke 13, is that of “The sower and the seed.”  Jesus said that God sows the seed of the word of God in the hearts of people and based on the condition of the heart (the 4 soils), that person’s life will experience great blessing, a little blessing or nothing at all.

Jesus said this seed was the Word of God.

“Now the parable is this: the seed is the word of God.”

Luke 8:11 (NASB)

Jesus said that if the Word of God gets into a good and honest heart, that person’s life will grow and be fruitful, gaining all those things in life that money cannot buy, but that everyone wants.

Did you know the average number of Bibles in an American home is 4? Usually a family has one that weighs about 5 pounds that Grandma gave them and it sits on the TV gathering dust.   What a shame.  This incredibly powerful thing, this book that has the very DNA of God in it, with an ability to reproduce that life of God in a family, is neglected.

The Bible consists of sixty-six different books, composed by many different writers, in three different languages, under different circumstances; writers of almost every social rank: statesmen and peasants, kings, herdsmen, fishermen, priests, tax-gatherers, and tentmakers;  the educated and the uneducated, Jews and Gentiles- most of them unknown to each other, and writing at various periods during the space of about 1600 years.

The apostle Peter said that in this thing called the Word of God you could receive everything pertaining to life and godliness.  There is wisdom for you and your family in the Bible-real answers to life’s questions, the way to heaven and not hell, the way to health, the way to escape depression and tormenting fears, the way to prosper financially, the way to raise children so that they are a blessing to you.   Honestly, it is all in this incredible book called The Bible. I pray that you will take the Bible and read it with a good and honest heart and allow it to begin its work in you.  You will not be disappointed!