The mother of a nine-year-old boy named Mark received a phone call in the middle of the afternoon. It was the teacher from her son’s school. “Mrs. Smith, something unusual happened today in your son’s third grade class. Your son did something that surprised me so much that I thought you should know about it immediately.” The mother began to grow worried.
The teacher continued, “Nothing like this has happened in all my years of teaching. This morning I was teaching a lesson on creative writing. And as I always do, I tell the story of the ant and the grasshopper. The ant works hard all summer and stores up plenty of food. But the grasshopper plays all summer and does no work. Then winter comes. The grasshopper begins to starve because he has no food. So he begins to beg, ‘Please Mr. Ant, you have much food. Please let me eat, too.’ Then I said, ‘Boys and girls, your job is to write the ending to the story.’ Your son, Mark, raised his hand. ‘Teacher, may I draw a picture?’ ‘Well, yes, Mark, if you like, you may draw a picture. But first you must write the ending to the story.’
As in all the years past, most of the students said the ant shared his food through the winter, and both the ant and the grasshopper lived. A few children wrote, ‘No, Mr. Grasshopper. You should have worked in the summer. Now, I have just enough food for myself.’ So the ant lived and the grasshopper died. But your son ended the story in a way different from any other child, ever. He wrote, ‘So the ant gave all of his food to the grasshopper; the grasshopper lived through the winter. But the ant died.’
And the picture? At the bottom of the page, Mark had drawn three crosses.”
Amazing story, isn’t it? But that is the perfect picture of what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross.
Romans 5:6-8 (NIV) You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
- He was innocent…. We were guilty
- He was good …. We were not.
- He was righteous …. We are sinners.
He took our punishment on the cross that we might have life, peace and forgiveness. Someday, the Bible tells us, we will all see Him. His sacrifice for you will be undeniable. Until then, He deserves our love and service. Go celebrate His sacrifice this Easter.