Finding Your Purpose in Life – Change

Eduardo Rivera, 43, was in court awaiting a hearing on a charge of receiving stolen property when he was re-arrested after carving his name into a courtroom bench (Reading, Pennsylvania, February 2003). David Joe White Jr., 32, having just pleaded guilty to 42...

The Lie of the Prosperity Gospel: Part 3

“There is Security in Having Lots of Money” Some time ago two billionaires in Dallas went bankrupt. One former Texan lost over one million hundred on land deal and went bankrupt.  Can you imagine that? Think of the stress he must have gone through! If you...

The Lie of the Prosperity Gospel: Part 2

Psalm 24:1 (NASB) The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it. A man buys his little boy a kid’s meal at a local restaurant, containing a burger, fries, and a toy. The dad does what most dads would do. He reaches over and...

The Lie of the Prosperity Gospel

Over the years I have heard many goofy teachings about money from ministers.  I once heard of a preacher telling a congregation that if they would come forward and give a $1000 love offering God would speak to them in the form of a prophecy!  Maybe you have heard...